The effect Eremurus spectabilis M. Bieb. on diethylnitrosamine-induced neurotoxicity in hippocampus (cornu ammonis) of rat
Effect of E. spectabilis on neurotoxicity induced by DEN
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Diethylnitrosamine;- Neurotoxicity - Eremurus spectabilis- Cornu Ammonis- RatÖz
This study aimed to histopathologically investigate the protective effect of Eremurus spectabilis M. Bieb's on Cornu Ammonis (CA) in diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced neurotoxicity. In the study, rats were equally divided into (n=8); Control Group: Rats in this group were not exposed to any treatment, DEN Group: Rats in this group were treated with 150 mg DEN/kg body weight dissolved in 0.9% physiological water once a month and thioacetamide (TAA) 200 mg /kg body weight once a week intraperitoneally (i.p.), Lyophilized plant extract (LPE) Group: The rats in this group were given 150 mg DEN/kg once a month dissolved in 0.9% physiological water, 200 mg TAA/kg once a week and 100 mg/kg body weight LPE daily by oral gavage method and fed with standard rat chow and tap water, Nanoparticle plant extract (NPE) Group: Rats in this group were given 150 mg DEN/kg once a month and TAA 200 mg/kg once a week (i.p.) and 100 mg/kg body weight nanoparticle plant extract dissolved in 0.9% physiological water and fed with standard rat chow and tap water by oral gavage method. In our findings, a significant reduction in granular layer cells and significant dissociations in CA regions were observed in DEN group rats. There was a slight alleviation in the lesions in the groups to which we gave lyophilized plant extract. In rats treated with nanoparticle plant extract, CA gave an appearance very close to the control group.
In conclusion, Eremurus spectabilis M. Bieb. may exhibit a protective effect against neurotoxicity as well as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, which are closely associated with the CA regions. Also, it was reported as an important finding that the nanoparticle extract of E. spectabilis was more effective than the lyophilized extract.
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